Title | |
Practical Date Sheet B.A. (H) Journalism Sem-1 | |
Theory Examination Datesheet for Microbiology and Journalism. | |
Theory Examination Date Sheet Nov-Dec 2024 | |
Practical Datesheet PG and UG | |
Practical Date sheet UG Semester 3rd and 5th (Revised) | |
Enrolment Number of 1st Year Students(Admission-2024) | |
Examination Form Notification for UG, PG and Leftover Students. | |
Exam datesheet of B.EL.ED. Part I-IV (Supplementary) | |
UG and PG Examination Forms for the Examination to be held in December/January, 2024-2025 Last Date is extended up to 11.11.2024 (Monday) by 11:55 PM | |
Notification dated 19.10.2024 regarding filling up Examination form B.EL.ED. Supplementary examinations of Part- I/II/III/IV Exams November 2024 is upto 06.11.2024 | |
Notification dated 19.10.2024 regarding filling up Examination Form PG Diploma Semester I/III/V Exams Nov/Dec 2024 is upto 11.11.2024 | |
Notification PG Examination Form | |
Notification UG Examination Form | |
Notification for Filling up the Examination Form | |
Centenary Chance Special Examination Home Science for B.Sc. Home Science (Pass) | |
Theory Examination Datesheet (May-June 2024) | |
Notification Compulsory Test in HINDI CTH | |
Practical Datesheet M.Sc.FN Sem-4 Nutrition Comkmunication and Diet Counselling (Revised) | |
Msc Food and Nutrition Sem-4, Nutrition for Fitness and Sports(Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc(Pass) Home Sc. Sem-2 Ayurveda and Nutrition (ER/IMP) | |
Practical Datesheet B.A.(Hons) Journalism Sem -4 Multi-Media Journalism (Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sc. Life Science (ER, IMP) Sem-4 | |
Practical Datesheet M.Sc. Food and Nutrition Sem- 2 and 4 | |
Practical Datesheet M.Sc. FAS Sem-2 and 4 | |
Practical datesheet Bsc.(Hons.) Home Sc. Sem-4 and 6 | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc. Pass and Hons. Home Sc. 2,4,6 | |
Practical Datesheet, Micro-sem-2 and Bsc. (Pass) Home Sc. -Sem-6 (Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet B.A. Hons Journalism SEM- 2 and 4 | |
Practical datesheet B.Sc. (Hon.) Home Science Sem-6 Extension for Development | |
Practical Datesheet Wetlands For Industries And Environment -Microbiology Sem 2 | |
Practical Datesheet Communication For Development Bsc.(Hons.) Home Sc. Sem-4 | |
Practical Datesheet Microbiology Sem-2 | |
Practical Datesheet Law And Policies For Women And Children In India (Date Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet (Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet (PGDDPHN) | |
Practical Datesheet | |
Practical Datesheet Physical Science For Home Science (Revised) | |
Practical Datesheet SEM-2,4 and 6 | |
Practical Datesheet (May-June 2024) | |
Image Styling (Practical) 4th Semester B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science | |
Practical Examination Notice | |
Examination Form Notice | |
Examination Form for Admission Year 2018 | |
Notification for Examination Form | |
Centenary Chance Special Examination Phase-ll | |
Filling un Examination Form all UG Students (Academic Session 2023-2024) | |
Filling un Examination Form all Elementary Education Students (Academic Session 2023-2024) | |
Filling un Examination Form all PG Students (Academic Session 2023-2024) | |
Notification for fillup Examination Form Last Date 14.03.2024 | |
Compulsory Test in Hindi Examination of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS-LOCF) | |
Revised Datesheet For PG- Diploma In Dietics And Public Health Nutrition (SEM-I), January 2024 | |
Filling Up Examination Form for all PG Programmes (Last Date Extended upto 01.01.2024 at 11:55 PM) | |
Theory Examination Datesheet (OC Paper) | |
Filling up Examination Form for UG, Last Date Extended upto 14.12.2023 | |
Filling up Examination Form for PG, Last Date Extended upto 14.12.2023 | |
Practical Date Sheet Semester-I UG | |
Practical Datesheet- B.Sc. Hons Home Science Sem 5 Childhood in India | |
Notice of Practical Exam for ER , Improvement and Ex Student | |
Notice for Examination From for B.El.Ed | |
Filling up Examination Form Last Extended upto 05.12.2023 | |
Filling up Examination Form Date is extended upto 13.11.2023 (Monday) | |
Notice for Filling up Examination Form | |
Examination Notification for DDPHN 2023-2024 | |
Notification for Filling up Examination Form for PG DDPHN | |
TCentenary Practical Datesheet | |
Theory Date-Sheet Bachelor of Elementary Education(B.EL.ED.) Part-I | |
Theory Datesheet Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition (DDPHN) Sem - II | |
Theory Datesheet M.Sc. Fabric and Apparel Science Sem-II | |
Theory Datesheet MSc. Food and Nutrition Sem -II | |
Revised Practical Centenary Special Exams July-2023 | |
Corrigendum / Notification B.EL.ED Examination. | |
Examination Re-Schedule Notification | |
Theory Examination Date Sheet July - August 2023 Sem-II. | |
Practical Datesheet of Centenary Practical Examinations. | |
The Practical Examinations of Centenary Chance Special Examination are commencing w.e.f. 17.07.2023. | |
VAC and SEC Paper Practical Examination Datesheet SEM-II JULY -2023 | |
BSC (Pass) Home Science SEM-II Practical Datesheet July 2023 | |
BSc (H) Microbiology SEM-II Practical Datesheet July 2023 | |
BSc (H) Home Science SEM-II Practical Datesheet July 2023 | |
BSc (H) Food Technology SEM-II Practical Datesheet July 2023 | |
BSc (H) Biochemistry SEM-II Practical Datesheet July 2023 | |
Filling up Examination Form UG Sem-II is extended upto 07.07.2023 | |
Filling up Examination Form PG Sem-II is extended upto 07.07.2023 | |
Filling up Examination form(UG and PG) Date Extended upto 30.06.2023 | |
Notice for Examination Form of Semester - II | |
Notification/Corrigendum Date-Sheet for B.EL.Ec Annual Examination May 2023. | |
Notification for Examination Form(Admission in 2021-22) | |
Theory Datesheet Overview of Indian Economy (SEM- VI ) | |
Theory Datesheet All PG (SEM- II & IV ) | |
Theory Datesheet B.EL.ED. (Part- II,III,IV) | |
Theory Datesheet All UG (SEM- II,IV, VI) | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc. (Hons) Home Science SEM-2 (Obesity Management) | |
Practical Datesheet MSc Food & Nutrition 4th Sem | |
(Revised) Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science 4th Sem | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 6th Sem ( Food Quality and Sensory Evaluation) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 4th Sem ( Technology of Meat, Poultry and Egg) | |
(ER) Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Microbiology 2nd Sem | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 4th Sem (Technology of Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Biochemistry 4th Sem (Industrial and Food Microbiology)(ER Student) | |
(Revised) Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 6th Sem | |
(Revised)Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Microbiology 6th Sem (Medical Microbiology) | |
(Revised ) Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science 4th Sem ( Communication Systems and Social Change) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 6th Sem (Food Chemistry II) | |
(Revised )Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Home Science 6th sem (Commercial Clothing) | |
Practical Datesheet Traditional Indian Textiles BSc (Pass) Home Science 6 sem | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. Pass Home Sc. 4th sem ( Textile design practical) | |
Practical Datesheet B.SC pass Home Science 4th sem (PFCS) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology 6th sem ( Food Chemistry II) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sc. 4th sem ( Information Communication Technologies for Development) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sc. 6th sem ( Basics of Design Application) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science 4 Semester (Training and Development) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science (ER Students) | |
(Revised) Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science 4 Semester (Adolescent Relationships) | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Home Science 4th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Home Science 6th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons) Microbiology 6th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology 4th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science 4th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science 6th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet M.Sc. FAS 4th Semester | |
Practical Datesheet B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry 6 & 4 Semester | |
Theory Datesheet of MSC and PGDDPHN | |
Notification Filling Up Exams Form UG and PG | |
Exams | |
Notification for Examination B.EL.ED and Diploma | |
Filling Up examination Form (Semester-1) All Post Graduate (PG), Last Date 15.03.2033 | |
Theory Datesheet UG Semester-1 March-2023 | |
Practical Examination of all the Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) UG SEM-1 | |
Filling Up examination Form (Semester-1) All Post Graduate (PG), Last Date 28.02.2033 | |
Datesheet of Centenary | |
Practical Data sheet of B.A. (Hons) Journalism Semester -1 | |
Practical Data sheet of B.Sc. (Hons) Food Technology Semester -1 | |
Practical Data sheet of B.Sc. (Hons) Microbiology Semester -1 | |
Practical Data sheet of Biochemistry Semester -1 | |
Practical Data sheet of Bsc. (Hons.) Home Science Semester -1 | |
Practical Data sheet of Bsc. (Pass) Home Science Semester -1 | |
Notification: Filling of Examination Form (Certificate/Diploma) | |
Notice For Semester -I/II/III/IV/V/VI (2019-20 2020-21 & 2021-22) | |
Notification: Filling of Examination Form (UG-NEP-UGCF-2022) | |
Practical datesheet of Early Childhood care and Education Practical (nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Date Sheet Msc Food and Nutrition 3rd Sem (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Datesheet (ER) of Physical Science and Nutrition for the family(Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Date Sheet Fashion Studies 1st SEM (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Date Sheet for Application of Microbes in Biotechniques 3rd Sem (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Datesheet for Biochemical Application in Forensics Sem 3 (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Revised list of Entrepreneurship for small catering units - (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical datesheet of Psychology for Human Development GE - (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Datesheet of Biochemistry III Sem - (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Date Sheet of B.Sc. (Hons) Home Sc. 3rd Sem (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical datesheet B.Sc (Hons) Food Technology 3rd sem | |
Practical Date Sheet B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sc. 3rd Sem (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Date Sheet Bsc. Home Sc. (Pass) SEM III - Textile Design (SEC) (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Theory Examination Date Sheet (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical List of ER Students (Nov-Dec 2022) | |
Practical Examination Date Sheet 5th Semester Bsc. Home Sc. (Pass) | |
Practical Examination Date Sheet 5th Semester All (Hons)Course | |
Examination Form for the Examination to Be Held on Nov-Dec 2022, Last Date Extended up to 02.11.2022 | |
B.El.Ed Examination Notice | |
Notice for Fill the Examination Form of Nov-Dec 2022 | |
Date sheet for practical examinations B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology Semester IV | |
Theory Examination Datesheet for All Courses | |
Important notice for Students | |
Practical Datesheet of MSC FAS, MSC FN and PGDDPHN | |
Notification for B.EL.ED 1st Year | |
Notice for Practical Examination | |
Notice for Practical Examination | |
Practical Date Sheet for B.Sc. (Pass) Home Science Sem -II | |
Practical Date Sheet for B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science Sem -II | |
Practical Date Sheet for B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology Sem -II | |
Practical Date Sheet for B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry Sem -II | |
Practical Date Sheet for B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry Sem -II | |
Student Notice for Examination Form of Semester -II | |
Notice for Second Phase Examination | |
Conduct of Second phase examination | |
Schedule of UG Practical's Round 2nd 2022 | |
Notice for Practical Examination (2nd Round) | |
Ph.D Course Work-I ‘Research Methods, Statistics and Computer Applications’ Examination | |
Notice for Ph.D. Admission 2022-23 | |
Notice for Practical Examination | |
UG Theory Examination Datesheet for May-June 2022 | |
MSC FN & FAS Theory Examination Datesheet for May-June 2022 | |
B.EL.ED. Theory Examination Datesheet for May-June 2022 | |
Ph.D Course Work-I "Research Methods, Statistics and Computer Applications" Examination. | |
Final Re-Exam Practical for leftover ER Students: AutoCAD and Space Planning | |
filling of the examination forms for compulsory test in Hindi | |
Change in Examination Date sheet (B.Tech. Food Tech. Sem -VIII) | |
Notice for theory Examination | |
Notice for Examination form correction | |
Corrigendum: Change in Time of Commencement of B.EL.Ed. Annual Exam. 2022 | |
Notification dt 01.05.22 regarding Centenary Chance registration-01-05-2022 | |
Notification dt 02.05.22 regarding extension of date of filling up examination form for UG PG Professional courses upto 03.05.22 | |
Regarding Centenary Chance for the Ex-Students of final year | |
MSc. F&N Practical Date Sheet | |
Extension of Last Date for Examination From May June 2022 | |
Practical Datasheet B.sc. (Pass) Home Science Semester - VI | |
PGDDPHN Examination NOTICE May-June 2022 | |
Practical Date sheet Bsc (Hons) Home Science Semester-IV | |
Practical exam date sheet, (Dept. HD) B.Sc. Hons. Home Sc. Semester IV and VI | |
Practical exam date sheet, Training and Development (Dept. RMDA) B.Sc. Hons. Home Sc. Semester IV | |
Fling of the Examination form | |
Notice Last date to fill Examination form and payment. | |
MSC Theory Datesheet Department of Home Science Semester IV , May 2022 . | |
Practical Date sheet Bsc. (Pass) Home Science Semester – IV | |
Practical Date sheet Bsc. (Hons.) Biochemistry Semester – IV & VI April -May, 2022 | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc. Food Technology (Hons) Semester - IV | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc. Food Technology (Hons) Semester - VI | |
Practical Datesheet Bsc. Home Science (Hons) Semester - VI (HDCS) | |
Date Sheet Home science (Hons) Semester - IV | |
Datesheet Practical for B.sc Hons Home Science sem VI | |
FAS department date sheet notice of SEC exam for Sem IV both pass and hons batch. | |
Date Sheet for Practical Exams (Dept. of Microbiology) | |
Notice for fill Examination Form | |
Notice for Practical Examination | |
Practical Exam Schedule for the SEC papers offered by the Food & Nutrition and Food Technology Department | |
Datesheet practical examination :BSc (hons) Home Science Semester: IV AutoCAD and Spatial Planning (SEC) | |
Department of Resource Management and Design Application (Datesheet Practical Examination (April, 2022) for BSc. Home Science (Pass), Semester IV) | |
Notice for Filling of the Examination Form- Last Date 09-04-2022PFA | |
Datesheet Compulsory Test in Hindi | |
Notice of Compulsory Hindi Test. | |
MSc Home Science Semester -1 Datesheet | |
Notice dated 17.03.2022 regarding Conduct of Second Phase Examinations and filling up of Examination Form for Leftover Students of III/V/VII Semester of all Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Programs including School of Open Learning (SOL) who could not write examinations held in November/December 2021 due to Covid-19 Pandemic and other reasons | |
Datesheet March 2022 | |
Examination form notice | |
Practical Examination DATESHEET FOR 1st SEMESTER BSc (Hons) Home Science & BSc(Pass) Home Science | |
Notice for Non-Filling of Examination Form I/II/III/IV Semester. | |
Tentative date sheet for Undergraduate (CBCS-LOCF) | |
Notification dated 01.02.22 regarding examination form for PGDDPHN | |
Notification dated 07.01.22 regarding conduct of Second Phase Examinations for leftover students | |
Notification dated 31.12.2021 regarding filling of Second Phase Examinaiton form | |
Invigilation Duty, Friday December 10, 2021 Morning Duty Time of Exam: 9:30 AM | |
Notification dated 06.12.21 regarding filling up of examination form for semester III UG and PG upto 10.12.2021 | |
UG Examination Datesheet Nov-Dec 2021 | |
Invigilation duties for Dec 4, 5, 2021 | |
Notice for ER students to fill up google form. | |
Revised Date Sheet ofM.Sc. Sem. I and III of the Department of Home Science, December 2021. | |
Exam form filling notification 27-11-2021 | |
Notice for Fill the Examination Form for Regular Students, last date 28.11.2021 5PM | |
Conduct of Examination Nor Final Semester/Tear/Year/Regular/Ex- Students of All UG and PG. Last Date 27.11.2021. |