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About us

About us

Welcome to the Institute of Home Economics, a college of the University of Delhi offering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Founded in 1961, Institute of Home Economics has grown enormously to keep pace with the changing demands of higher education and is an inspiring example of courage and conviction.

At present, the Institute of Home Economics is offering several programs: four-year Bachelor programs in Home Science, Food Technology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Elementary Education; Master Programs in Fabric & Apparel Science and Food & Nutrition; and one-year Post Graduate Diploma course in Dietetics & Public Health Nutrition. The Institute also has students pursuing Ph.D. programs in different specializations of Home Science. To meet the growing requirements of the students, the college has been enhancing its infrastructure regularly. The college has two building blocks with spacious laboratories, lecture theaters, classrooms, staff room and a conference room. Besides academics, the college has facilities for cultural activities, sports, inter-college events, community outreach programs, and workshops and seminars. The college has an elected Student’s Council and holds various cultural functions from time to time to empower students with leadership qualities and give them opportunities to showcase their talents.

The college celebrated 50 glorious years of its existence in 2011 with a series of activities including an oration by Former President Dr. A.P.J. Kalam and a National Conference on 'Sustainable Development: A Collective Vision'. The quest for excellence continues. Through the excellence of its educational curriculum and the values and commitment of the teaching faculty, the Institute has established itself as a leading center for women's education, research and extension. Alumni of the college today occupy exalted professional positions of responsibility, both in national and international organizations.

The college upholds the ideals of women’s emancipation and empowerment. It provides the opportunity to the young women to study in a healthy stimulating environment and mold themselves into fine human beings who are equipped with the professional skills required in the work space.