The mini paper recycling plant is an appropriate system for turning waste paper into paper that can be used for all purposes. The paper recycling plant is an effective technology which is simpler to use by the students for turning waste paper into reusable paper products like folders, penholders, material for display board, envelopes, lampshades etc. Department of RMDA has allotted bins in various departments to source the waste paper. Hands-on workshops are conducted from time to time for the students for making different recycled products out of the waste paper collected from the college premises. Students had creatively made their own cards, files, folders and invitation cards for the college. Working on a paper recycling plant demonstrates the concept of recycling waste into ‘wealth’.
The department in the times to come would plan to collect paper not only from college but also from the nearby community or neighbourhood societies to transform paper waste. This activity will help in waste reduction and align our commitment with community for cleaner environment and sustainable community growth.
The unit of paper-recycling was set up by Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA) who has pioneered the concept of the TARA Recycling Paper Unit which has the capability of recycling waste paper to produce good quality recycled paper.