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Student council

Student council

The Students’ Council of Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi is an elected student body. The Students’ council endeavors to work for the benefit of the student community as well as the college. It acts as a bridge between the college and the students, acknowledging and addressing students’ concerns, interests, development and leadership and conveys them to the college management. It helps to bring students’ voices to administration and leadership. It comprises of a President, Vice President and Cultural President elected from the final year (fifth semester), along with General Secretary, Treasurer and Cultural Secretary from second year (third semester).

The Union also acts as an umbrella body for furthering the Cultural Societies of the college. The team also comprises an Arch advisor and seven coordinators that help in the smooth functioning of the Union. The Union also facilitates organization of events such as the Orientation programme, Fresher’s Party, Farewell and other cultural events and participates in the admission process.

The main cultural festival, Feria which witnesses participation from colleges and Universities across the country is also organized by the students’ council. The Union also aims to give back to the society by participating in social work and community activities.

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  Khushi Gulhar

  Vice President 

  Jhanvi Vats 

  Cultural President 

  Ishika Arora 

  General Secretary 

  Isha Ranjan 


  Eliena Jindal 

  Cultural Secretary 

  Riya Sharma 

  Arch Advisor 

  Pragya Singh 

  PR and Publicity President 

  Alina Khan 

  PR and Publicity Secretary 

  Priyanshi Bharti

  Poise President 

  Vanshika Raj 

  Poise Vice President 

  Ishtika Bhatt 

  Tarkaas President 

  Ishika Makhija 

  Tarkaas Vice President 

  Ananya Singh 

  NSS President 

  Riya Aggarwal 

  NSS Secretary 

  Varsha Rao 

  Iridescence President 
