In this 21 st century, sustainability has become a buzzword for protecting our ecosystem,
preserving resources and to improve the quality of our lives. With this idea of sustainability,
Department of Resource Management and Design Application realized the need for creating
ecological awareness among the youth and initiated a unique sustainable initiative in the
college campus by starting an Eco-club which was named as ‘Prakritik’ in 2016 with the
support of Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The main focus of the club is
to empower the students to participate and take up meaningful environment-related activities
or projects for a sustainable future.
Our mission is to educate, inspire and sensitize the college students on various environmental
issues, conservation approaches, sustainable utilization of natural resources and their
management in order to create a positive influence between the nature, mankind and
Eco-club ‘Prakritik’ is a forum by which students can reach out, influence and engage their families, relatives or other neighbourhood communities to instil green lifestyle, promote sound and responsible environmental behaviour. Green initiatives are taken up to equip the youths to deal with environmental concerns through more effective environmental education practices.